Health, diagnostics and drug development is one of the five multidisciplinary themes of the University of Turku. The high-level research theme creates medical, technological and societal breakthroughs that advance public health.

There is a strong expertise cluster in health research in the Turku region where cross-faculty research of different higher education institutions, public healthcare, and versatile business life meet. 

In the field of immunology and inflammation research, Turku coordinates the national InFLAMES flagship. Drug development and diagnostics are at the heart of the collaboration. In many areas of biomedical imaging, Turku is the leading centre in Europe. 

The cohort studies of the University of Turku form an international spearhead in population health studies spanning several generations. Research on the health care system and the well-being of children and young people is becoming more and more crucial. 

The high-level research theme creates medical, technological and societal breakthroughs that advance public health. 

Our areas of strength:

  • Immune systems and inflammatory diseases
  • Medical imaging, bioimaging and health technologies
  • Long-term follow-up and intervention studies

Research profile projects funded by the Academy of Finland

Drug development and diagnostics

Drug development and diagnostics is a common research profiling area of the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University funded by the Academy of Finland. 

> Web pages


Turku BioImaging (TBI) is a broad-based, interdisciplinary science and infrastructure umbrella that aims to unite bioimaging expertise in Turku and elsewhere in Finland. TBI is jointly operated by the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University. 

TBI manages Euro-BioImaging Finland, coordinates funding acquisition for imaging instrumentation and services, operates an international MSc program in biomedical imaging, and develops new imaging-related services (e.g. image data and multimedia). TBI imaging facilities provide open access services ranging from molecular and cellular imaging and high content analysis to whole animal and human imaging. TBI is led by a tripartite management team, and has a broad-based Steering Committee.

> Web pages

InFLAMES Flagship

The InFLAMES Flagship (Innovation Ecosystem based on the Immune System) is a joint effort of University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University aiming at being an internationally recognized, top-level, immunological research and development cluster which will be globally attractive both for the researchers and business partners.

> Web pages

Health Campus Turku

Health Campus Turku is a significant multidisciplinary knowledge cluster within medicine, social and health care and technology which offers unique opportunities for research, innovation and corporate collaboration.

Health Campus Turku collaboration involves six member organisations

  • Hospital District of Southwest Finland
  • University of Turku
  • Åbo Akademi University
  • Turku University of Applied Sciences
  • Novia University of Applied Sciences
  • Turku Science Park Ltd.

> Web pages

Executive committee