International Courses

We arrange three different learning modules every year in English that are targeted for Master and PhD students in Nursing and Health Sciences and Advanced Practise Nurses.

Empowering Learning Environments in Nursing Education Intensive Programme (EleneIP) (10 ECTS)

EleneIP 2024

EleneIP 2024 brochure

Next course in 21 - 25 October 2024

See EleneIP in Study Guide.


Professor Leena Salminen

Empowering Patient Education (EPE) (25 ECTS)

EPE 2024

The course aims at describing the theoretical and methodological basis for empowering patient education from the perspectives of the patient, personnel, health care organization and society, deepening understanding of analyzing and implementing and doing research on empowering patient education, and making judgments about empowering patient education in clinical settings and research.

EPE 2024 brochure

Next course in 2 September  to 11 December 2024

Online modules:

  • Module 1: Orientation and conceptual basis of empowering patient education on 2-15 September (obligatory, 5 ects)
  • Module 2: Diagnostics in empowering patient education on 16 September-6 October (5 ects)
  • Module 3: Patient education as an empowering patient education intervention on 7-27 October (5 ects)
  • Module 4: Evaluation of empowering patient education on 28 October-10 November (5 ects)

Module with a 3-day intensive period in Turku, Finland:

  • Module 5: Special issues in empowering patient education research 11 November-11 December (5 ects)
    • The intensive period on 9-11 December in Turku, Finland

See EPE in Study Guide.

Free for students in master and PhD programmes. Price for others: 500 €.

The application for the EPE course 2024 via this link by 18 August 2024.

Contact information

Docent Heli Virtanen

Clinical Instruments for Evaluating Health - Development, Evaluation and Implementation (CIDI) (25 ECTS)

CIDI 2025

Next course in 7 January - 6 May 2025
CIDI 2025 Brochure (pdf)
See CIDI in Study Guide (See courses under Faculty of Medicine)

CIDI 2024

Next course in 7 January - 6 May 2025

  • Module I January 7th - 14th 2025
    • Contact teaching in Turku, January 13th - 14th
    • Independent reading, January 7th - 14th
  • Module II January 15th - March 2nd 2025
    • Contact teaching in Turku, January 15th - 17th 
    • Independent working, January 17th - March 2nd
  • Module III March 3rd - May 6th 2025
    • Asynchronized online lectures and written assignments, March 3rd - 31st
    • Independent working and reading, April 1st - May 4th
    • Online seminars on Zoom, May 5th - 6th

Apply now via:


Professor Riitta Suhonen

Professor Minna Stolt