Keyword: News

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Children Born in Latter Part of the Year More Likely to be Diagnosed with ADHD


In comprehensive school, the age difference between the oldest and youngest pupil in the same school year can be 12 months. The immaturity of younger children can lead to a mistaken diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), shows a new study by the University of Turku and University of Nottingham.

How not to make education policy


Professor Martin Thrupp spoke at the Department of Education about a New Zealand primary school assessment policy called National Standards which was first announced in 2007 and was expected to improve the achievement of children. According to Thrupp, the policy has been a failure in many ways.

Social Welfare and Health Care Reform Examined at Health Campus Seminars


How will the collaboration between different actors bring Turku region another step closer to the social welfare and health care reform? The question was discussed in the Health Campus projects seminar and the social welfare and health care service structure reform seminar, which were organised by the Health Campus Turku and the polytechnic Master's degree students of the Turku University of Applied Sciences at ICT City on 2–3 October 2017.