Keyword: Turku School of Economics

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Webinar Series: Global Goodness – Discussions on Global Business Ethics

What kind of future do we want to create? What will happen to humanity?

The wicked problems are global, so we also need globally shared values - future aims - ​​to solve the issues. Climate change and loss of biodiversity require action. Can we create biocentric ethics instead of anthropocentric ethics? New technologies also pose challenges to ethics: we need to discuss global ethics of artificial intelligence and biotechnology, for example? What are the values ​​of states' foreign policy? How can we overcome poverty and inequality?

Call for Papers: Conference on Technology Ethics - Tethics 2021


Dependence on technology underline the need for ethics and constructive debate

As COVID-19 hastens the implementation of digital tools in virtual communication and remote work, many sectors of our societies are becoming even more dependent on the use of technology.  Reactions to the pandemic have included questionable approaches to contact tracing through smartphone apps, and invasive surveillance monitoring of our working-from-home practices.

Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS) appoints five new postdoctoral fellows


Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS) has appointed five new postdoctoral fellows to three-year positions, which commence on 1 january 2021. Following a process of international peer review, the successful candidates were chosen from a field of 286 applications for the five positions available (a success rate of 1.7%). They will join an institute which is committed to interdisciplinary working and the development of top-level researchers.

Finnish Academic Writing studies at the Centre for Language and Communication Studies

The aim of academic writing in the Finnish language is to develop the student's communication skills and to support the student to develop into an expert. The goal of academic writing studies is for students to achieve the literary skills needed in their studies, working life, and in their own discipline.