Keyword: Health, diagnostics and drug development

This page displays contents related to the keyword.

Come and learn about the future activities of the multidisciplinary themes on kick-off event in 13 March


The University of Turku's strategy emphasizes the significance of multidisciplinarity in advancing internationally high-quality research, education, and innovation. The strategy’s multidisciplinary themes bring together researchers and experts from various fields to foster collaboration and new ideas. Now, these themes will present their upcoming activities on 13 March. Join us!

Alexander Mildner found his passion in macrophages


Young Alexander Mildner wanted to be an artist. His parents did not object to the idea but suggested that their son should first go to the University of Göttingen, from where he could transfer to an art school after a year. But things turned out differently. Today, Mildner is one of the world's most cited immunology researchers and an Associate Professor at the InFLAMES flagship of the University of Turku.