Keyword: News

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New Volter - What to Do?


Turku University Library is migrating to a new library system during the end of the year 2019. At the same time, a new user interface for the Volter database will also be introduced. The new user interface will make it easier to search for and use electronic material. You will find articles easier and personalize your searches, you will have more options to manage your references and with more ease.

International Business co-developing teaching in trade policy


In an opinion piece published in Turun Sanomat 5.11. Anna Karhu from the Pan-European Institute tells about developing teaching in international trade policy.

“Understanding and following trade policy changes necessitates the ability to understand wide-reaching change. Future business leaders must be able to evaluate the challenges and opportunities these changes create for business. An ongoing project at Turku School of Economics seeks to develop teaching in trade policy both for students and businesses.”

Baltic Rim Economies 3/2019 published


The latest issue of the Baltic Rim Economies (BRE) review was published on the 30th of October introducing articles on current topics concerning the Baltic Sea region.