Keyword: FinnBrain

This page displays contents related to the keyword.

Childhood maltreatment affects sperm epigenome and may impact brain development of next generation


Childhood stress can impact the epigenetic profile of sperm. These results may also have practical implications for future generations through epigenetic inheritance, as many of the observed epigenetic associations are related to brain development. This ground-breaking discovery has been made in the FinnBrain study at the University of Turku in collaboration with researchers from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark.

High school summer job sparked a desire to help the vulnerable – now Riikka Korja leads a centre of excellence


A summer job at church children’s camps changed the life of the upper secondary school student. Working with children sparked a desire to help and understand vulnerable children and young people. This eventually led Riikka Korja to become a professor of developmental psychology at the University of Turku. Her passion is to help not only the vulnerable, but also early career researchers and students.

Prenatal Stress Associated with Infant Gut Microbes


Mother's chronic prenatal psychological distress and elevated hair cortisol concentrations are associated with gut microbiota composition of the infant, according to a new publication from the FinnBrain research project of the University of Turku. The results help to better understand how prenatal stress can be connected to infant growth and development. The study has been published in the esteemed Psychoneuroendocrinology journal.