Core groups have been selected for the five multidisciplinary themes of the Strategy of the University of Turku. The core groups of the multidisciplinary themes are responsible for strengthening multidisciplinary research and education as well as their impact.
he Strategy of the University of Turku emphasises the importance of multidisciplinarity in promoting internationally high-quality research, education, and innovation.
The multidisciplinary themes of the strategy bring together and enable collaboration between researchers and experts in different disciplines. The aim is to promote collaboration within the University and with external stakeholders, build national and international networks, and generate new initiatives and external funding applications.
The new leaders for the multidisciplinary themes were selected last November, after which core groups were formed for each theme. A total of 190 applications were received in response to an open internal call for researchers and other experts.
The term of the new core groups and leaders started on 1 January 2025. The initial term is two years, after which a mid-term review will be carried out to decide whether the term will be extended.
New core groups for the multidisciplinary themes
The appointed core groups are:
Biodiversity and sustainability
Led by: Professor Ilari Sääksjärvi
Senior Research Fellow Sanna Ahvenharju, Turku School of Economics
Professor Petteri Alho, Faculty of Science
Associate Professor Nora Fagerholm, Faculty of Science
Dean Markus Granlund, Turku School of Economics
Professor Kati Hanhineva, Faculty of Technology
Assistant Professor Aleksi Heinilä, Faculty of Law
Associate Professor Oskar Karlström, Faculty of Technology
Professor Toni Laaksonen, Faculty of Science
Postdoctoral Researcher Otto Latva, Faculty of Humanities
Assistant Professor Anne Quarshie, Turku School of Economics
University Research Fellow Juulia Räikkönen, Faculty of Science
Professor Paula Salo, Faculty of Social Sciences
Professor Sari Stenholm, Faculty of Medicine
Expert members are administration representatives Jutta Mäkinen and Paavo Kosonen and, if necessary, other experts from the University of Turku administration
Cultural memory and social change
Led by: Professor Charlotta Wolff
Professor Georg Haggrén, Faculty of Humanities
University Lecturer Kaisa Ilmonen, Faculty of Humanities
Professor Mia Korpiola, Faculty of Law
Professor Leo Lahti, Faculty of Technology
Research Manager Jussi Lehtonen, Faculty of Medicine
University Lecturer Tiina Lintunen, Faculty of Social Sciences
Professor Jan Löfström, Faculty of Education
Associate Professor Elina Salmela, Faculty of Science
University Lecturer Katriina Siivonen, Turku School of Economics
Professor Anna Sivula, Faculty of Humanities
Associate Professor Outi Vesakoski, Faculty of Humanities
Children, young people and learning
Led by: Associate Professor Elina Kilpi-Jakonen
Professor Mia Hakovirta, Faculty of Social Sciences
Professor Tero Järvinen, Faculty of Education
Doctoral Researcher Arttu Korkeaniemi, Faculty of Education
Professor Mikko-Jussi Laakso, Faculty of Science
Research Manager Miia Laasanen, Faculty of Medicine
Senior Advisor Hanna Lagström, Faculty of Medicine
Doctoral Researcher Elina Lehtilä, Faculty of Humanities
University Lecturer Aino Mäkikalli, Faculty of Humanities
University Research Fellow Jessica Nisén, Faculty of Social Sciences
Research Manager Johanna Ollila, Turku School of Economics
Professor Sara Routarinne, Faculty of Education
University Lecturer Jenni Tikkanen, Faculty of Education
Health, diagnostics and drug development
Led by: Assistant Professor Saara Wittfooth
Doctoral Researcher Jatin Chaudhary, Faculty of Technology
Professor Salvatore Giordano, Faculty of Medicine
Professor Heli Harvala, Faculty of Medicine
Professor Katja Joronen, Faculty of Medicine
Research Manager Georges Kazan, Faculty of Medicine
Professor Jukka Kemppainen, PET Centre
Academy Research Fellow Kari Kopra, Faculty of Sciences
Professor Matej Oresic, Faculty of Technology
Associate Professor Emilia Peltola, Faculty of Technology
Lecturer Annmari Sahlstein, Centre for Language and Communication Studies
Project Researcher Minna Storm, Faculty of Medicine
University Lecturer Leena Strauss, Faculty of Medicine
Professor of Practice Timo Veromaa, Faculty of Medicine
Statistician Aleksi Winstén, Faculty of Science
In addition, the following contact persons: Pauli Ollikka/Business Collaboration team and
Kaisa Hakkila/InFlames flagship
New technologies and digitalisation
Led by: Senior Researcher Heidi Piili
Doctoral Researcher Mika Alhonkoski, Faculty of Medicine
Research Director Taina Eriksson, Turku School of Economics
University Lecturer Pertti Grönholm, Faculty of Humanities
Project Coordinator Anna Huusko, Faculty of Technology
Professor Niina Käyhkö, Faculty of Science
Professor Kaisa Linderborg, Faculty of Technology
Collegium Researcher Kimmo Luoma, Faculty of Science
Project Researcher Sini Mickelsson, Faculty of Law
Associate Professor Jovana Milić, Faculty of Science
University Lecturer Niko Moritz, Faculty of Medicine
Professor Matti Mäntymäki, Turku School of Economics
University Teacher Sanna Rantanen, Faculty of Education
Professor Jani Saunavaara, Faculty of Medicine
University Lecturer Jouni Smed, Faculty of Technology
University Teacher Tarmo Thorström, Faculty of Education
Associate Professor Mikko Tikkanen, Faculty of Law
Kick-off seminar on 13 March
The kick-off seminar of the multidisciplinary themes will be held in the Tauno Nurmela lecture hall in the Main Building on 13 March.
The seminar is tentatively scheduled for 8.30–11.00, but this may change. Details of the event will be specified in the near future.