Keyword: News

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Researchers from University of Turku Have Described Over 40 New Species in 2020


The researchers at the Biodiversity Unit of the University of Turku are specialised in studying poorly known species habiting some of the most remote places on earth. As a result of their scientific expeditions, the researchers constantly discover species that are unknown to science. One of the most recent discoveries is a spider which was named after actor Joaquin Phoenix and his famous portrayal of the Joker character.

Report on digitalization of environmental management tools in ports has been published


Digitalization of Ports´ Environmental Management Tools report has been published as part of GET READY project. The report concentrates on the sustainable development and green growth of ports with a focus on how it can be boosted with (digital) environmental management tools (EMT). These are most commonly practices that will enhance sustainable development when followed by port personnel.

Prenatal Stress Associated with Infant Gut Microbes


Mother's chronic prenatal psychological distress and elevated hair cortisol concentrations are associated with gut microbiota composition of the infant, according to a new publication from the FinnBrain research project of the University of Turku. The results help to better understand how prenatal stress can be connected to infant growth and development. The study has been published in the esteemed Psychoneuroendocrinology journal.