Keyword: EC2U

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High number of applications to University’s international degree programmes despite application fee


In the first joint application round of spring 2025, a total of 7,275 applications were submitted to the international bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes of the University of Turku. While the new national application fee, introduced at the beginning of 2025, led to an expected decrease in the overall number of applications, several programmes still saw an increase in applications. 

University of Turku's international degree programmes open for applications – Introducing two new bachelor's programmes


The first joint application round of 2025 runs from 8–22 January, including the English-taught degree programmes of the University of Turku: two new bachelor's programmes and 16 master's programmes. At the same time, there will be separate applications for two additional international master’s programmes. 

European Commission Grants Continued Funding to EC2U Alliance – University of Turku Creates Pan-European Campus with Partner Universities


The European Commission has granted €14.4 million in continued funding to the EC2U Alliance that develops European university education and research as well as stakeholder collaboration. The University of Turku has been a member of the Alliance from the beginning. In its upcoming second phase, the Alliance grows with new members and activities.