Keyword: open access publishing

This page displays contents related to the keyword.

The pitfalls of publishing - scholarly journal hijacking on the rise


Hijacked or cloned journals are fake websites that imitate legitimate academic publishers. These scams use the names, ISSNs, and other details of real scholarly journals to trick researchers. The goal is to take advantage of the original journal's reputation, convincing researchers to submit their articles and pay article processing charges (APC) to the fraudulent publisher.

New open access publishing agreements for medicine


The library has signed two new open access publishing agreements for the University of Turku with publishers of medical journals. In addition, the agreement from last year with the Radiological Society of North America, allowing for publishing in the publisher's four journals, has been extended until the end of 2024. The agreements provide authors with the opportunity for free open access publishing. 

Open Access publishing when negotiations with publishers on new agreements are under way


The FinELib Consortium for acquisition of e-resources is still in the middle of negotiations with several publishers of scientific journals. Apart from the journals of the ACS, users can so far read the newest journals of these publishers although the new agreements are not finished yet. During the negotiations, open access publishing varies by publisher.