Väitös (tietoliikenne- ja kyberturvallisuusteknologia): MSc Nanda Kumar Thanigaivelan


28.3.2023 klo 12.00 - 16.00
MSc Nanda Kumar Thanigaivelan esittää väitöskirjansa “Adaptation of the human nervous system for self-aware secure mobile and IoT systems” julkisesti tarkastettavaksi Turun yliopistossa tiistaina 28.3.2023 klo 12:00 (Turun yliopisto, Agora, luentosali XXII, Vesilinnantie 5, Turku).

Vastaväittäjänä toimii professori Juha Röning (Oulun yliopisto) ja kustoksena professori Seppo Virtanen (Turun yliopisto). Tilaisuus on englanninkielinen. Väitöksen alana on tietoliikenne- ja kyberturvallisuusteknologia.

Väitöskirja yliopiston julkaisuarkistossa: https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-29-9197-6 (kopioi linkki selaimeen).


Tiivistelmä väitöstutkimuksesta:

IT security is critical for the proper ution of IT system operations and the prevention of system exploitation either intentionally or unintentionally. Security has rarely been considered a part of the system and will be deployed after the system implementation.

Through this research, a novel solution based on a biological approach is presented to embed security as an inalienable part of the system. The biological solution is derived from the functions of the human nervous system (HNS) and its relationship with similar systems to ensure the safety and security of the host.

To prove the feasibility of the proposed approach, two application areas of IT, internet-of-things (IoT) and mobile devices were ed, and a proof-of-concept prototype was developed through the customization of appropriate platforms for evaluation. The evaluation results proved that the proposed solution solves the problems in existing approaches by embedding security within the system with low resource requirements. Furthermore, the results also highlighted the retention of HNS functions after refinement for different IT application areas, especially the IoT, due to its resource-constrained nature, and the implementable capability of our proposed HNS architecture.