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Burden of infectious disease studies in Europe and the United Kingdom: a review of methodological design choices (2023)

Epidemiology and Infection
Charalampous P, Haagsma JA, Jakobsen LS, Gorasso V, Noguer I, Padron-Monedero A, Sarmiento R, Santos JV, McDonald SA, Plass D, Wyper GMA, Assuncao R, von der Lippe E, Adam B, AlKerwi A, Arabloo J, Baltazar AL, Bikbov B, Borrell-Pages M, Brus I, Burazeri G, Chaintoutis SC, Chen-Xu J, Chkhaberidze N, Cilovic-Lagarija S, Corso B, Cuschieri S, Di Bari C, Dopelt K, Economou M, Emeto TI, Fantke P, Fischer F, Freitas A, Garcia-Gonzalez JM, Gazzelloni F, Gissler M, Gkitakou A, Gulmez H, Gunes S, Haller S, Haneef R, Hincapie CA, Hynds P, Idavain J, Ilic M, Ilic I, Isola G, Kabir Z, Kamusheva M, Kolkhir P, Konar NM, Kostoulas P, Kulimbet M, La Vecchia C, Lauriola P, Levi M, Majer M, Mechili EA, Monasta L, Mondello S, Laguna JM, Nena E, Ng ESW, Nguewa P, Niranjan V, Nola IA, O'Caoimh R, Obradovic M, Pallari E, Peyroteo M, Pinheiro V, Pranjic N, Ortiz MR, Riva S, Santoso CMA, Milicevic MS, Schmitt T, Speybroeck N, Sprugel M, Steiropoulos P, Stevanovic A, Thygesen LC, Tozija F, Unim B, Uysal HB, Varga O, Vasic M, Vieira RJ, Yigit V, Devleesschauwer B, Pires SM
(Vertaisarvioitu katsausartikkeli tieteellisessä aikakauslehdessä (A2))