Kulttuuri ja terveys -tutkijaseminaari / Research Centre for Culture and Health Seminar


12.3.2024 klo 14.00 - 16.00
The Research Centre for Culture and Health explores the connections between culture, health, and illness from a multidisciplinary perspective. It is interested in all aspects of research and education relating to health and culture from pedagogical, narrative, artistic, philosophical, and biosocial perspectives (and many more!).

This seminar will take place online, on 12 March 2024, 14:00-16:00 EET.

The speakers are:

Keith Meadows, Health Outcomes Insights Ltd
“Explaining Cause in a Single Case Response to Patient-Reported Outcomes Data: Quality of Life Research”

Luis de Miranda, Turku Institute for Advanced Studies
“Philosophical Health: Thinking as a Way of Healing”

Katerina Filatova, University of Turku
“Cell-transforming structure-dependent properties of biomaterials on the example of the osteogenic induction of silica-polylactic acid-based composites”

Follow the link below to register for this seminar on Zoom.
If you plan to attend in person, please contact Avril Tynan aatyna@utu.fi
