Matka-apurahahaku SmartBIO-tutkimusohjelman jäsenille (hakuaika 22.1.-7.2.2025)
Hakemus tulee toimittaa englanninkielisenä.
BioCity Turku Research Program SmartBIO opens a travel grant call for its members. SmartBIO researchers can apply support for participation fees, travel and accommodation costs for courses, workshops or conferences, nationally or internationally. Special emphasis is given for applications coming from active SmartBIO members and the call is intended to support mainly early-career researchers. The awarded travelers are contacted during February 2025.
The maximum amount of granted support is based on the location of the event as follows:
800 € for overseas
400 € for Europe
100 € for Finland
Grant period: 1.4.2025 - 30.11.2025
Application period: 22.1.-7.2.2025
Please submit your application at latest Friday 7 February 2025 at 16:00:
More information from Maija Lespinasse ( and from