SEMINAR: Middle Eastern Politics Today


Students, staff and the wider public are kindly invited to attend the following seminar, organized by the Department of Political science and Contemporary History: Teacher: PhD Bruno Lefort, now a visiting researcher in the Department of Political Science and Contemporary History, has defended his PhD in the University of Aix-Marseille. He worked as a researcher for the Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI).


Seminar’s main outlines: The seminar introduces current developments relative to Middle Eastern politics from a critical and empirical perspective. Three main themes are  discussed: first, the way in which Middle Eastern societies are perceived from a Western perspective, and how these representations impact policy-making in the European Union and its member states; second, the dynamics of conflict in Iraq and Syria beyond the prevailing religious frame of analysis; and finally, alternative approaches to politics and identity, presented from the example of Lebanon.
Calendar, location, themes:
. Session 1When Europe meets the Middle East: the trope of a colonial encounter
October 6, 2015 (14-16), Paasivirta lecture room, Contemporary History building (T19 on campus map)
. Session 2 – Reframing the conflicts in Syria and Iraq
November 10, 2015 (10-12), Paasivirta lecture room, Contemporary History building (T19 on campus map)
. Session 3The politics of identity in a Middle Eastern plural society – the Lebanese case
December 1 (10-12), Paasivirta lecture room, Contemporary History building (T19 on campus map)
Assignment / korvavuus:
The seminars can be attended without assignment, on a come-and-go basis. However, for those (exchange and Finnish students) willing to gain credits for this seminar, the following rules apply:
. Exchange students who attended all the seminar’s sessions will be able to write a 5-7 pages essay on a subject linked to the seminar’s themes, for a credit gain of 2 ECTS. Those should be in touch with the organizer of the seminar.
. Suomalaiset opiskelijat saavat seminaariin osallistumisesta merkinnän luentopassiin, korvaavuudesta pitää etukäteen sopia oman oppiaineen opetushenkilökunnan kanssa.
Poliittisen historian opiskelijat voivat halutessaan kirjoittaa 5-7-sivuisen suomenkielisen esseen. Sillä voi korvata osaa opintojaksoista A3.1.3 tai A4.
Lisää tietoa saa seminaarin järjestäjältä.
Luotu 30.09.2015 | Muokattu 06.08.2021