Tutu-julkaisut vuonna 2018

Tutu-julkaisut 2018

1/2018: Sähköistyminen vertaisyhteiskunnassa. Uusi tarina Suomen tulevaisuudelle.


Heinonen, Sirkka & Karjalainen, Joni

Sähköistyminen vertaisyhteiskunnassa. Uusi tarina Suomen tulevaisuudelle.

Tutu-julkaisuja 1/2018, Tulevaisuuden tutkimuskeskus, Turun yliopisto.
127 s., 2. painos. ISBN 978-952-249-514-3 (kirja), 978-952-249-532-7 (pdf, korjattu 2019), ISSN 1797-1284

Sähköistyminen vertaisyhteiskunnassa – uusi tarina Suomen tulevaisuudelle on kertomus uusiutuvasta energiasta sekä sähköistymisen ja vertaisuuden periaatteiden yhteen kietoutumisesta. Niiden avulla olemme matkalla päästöttömään tulevaisuuteen.

Kirjassa esitetään uusi päästöttömän tulevaisuuden visio aina vuoteen 2050 asti. Sen tueksi kuvataan neljä skenaariota kertomuksina erilaisista muutoksen poluista. Samalla avautuu ikkuna koko energia-alan tulevaisuuden näkymien pohdintaan. Kirjassa esitellään usean vuoden ennakointityön ja kymmenien energiatutkijoiden uraauurtavat tulokset. Kirjaan liittyy oppimateriaalia, jonka löydät osoitteesta http://uusiavoinenergia.fi


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Tutu e-julkaisut 2018

1/2018: Sustainable Energy Challenges of India. Essays of the study course "Future Sustainable Energy Challenges".

Eranti, Ashok Kumar & Kaskinen, Juha (editors)

Sustainable Energy Challenges of India. Essays of the study course "Future Sustainable Energy Challenges".

FFRC eBOOK 1/2018, Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku.87 p. ISBN 978-952-249-497-9, ISSN 1797-1322.

Of recent, energy education is acquiring importance in Indian higher education system. As a signatory to many international protocols on reducing carbon emissions, India is obligated to persue alternative sources of energy and awareness building among the masses to meet its global commitments. Once such initiative was undertaken in Solapur University, Maharashtra state, Western India, to introduce a course on “Future Sustainable Energy Challenges”, in collaboration with Finland Futures Research Centre (Turku School of Economics in University of Turku, Finland) under the financial assistance from the Finnish National Agency of Education. 

The present book is a collection of essays developed by Master students as project work of their course in Energy Education. There are three essays presented in this book which provide glimpses on Renewable Energy Sources and their potential to meet energy needs of India in a sustainable manner. All the three essays are set in ‘Futures studies perspective‘ and have discussed at length the challenges and limitations through specific case studies on wind, solar, biofuel energy, in the context of India’s energy sector.


2/2018: Futures of a Complex World. Proceedings of the Conference “Futures of a Complex World”, 12–13 June 2017, Turku, Finland.

Riikka Saarimaa & Markku Wilenius (editors)

Futures of a Complex World. Proceedings of the Conference “Futures of a Complex World”, 12–13 June 2017, Turku, Finland.

FFRC eBOOK 2/2018, Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku.286 p. ISBN 978-952-249-499-3, ISSN 1797-1322.

”Futures of a Complex World” conference 2017 was a success by all standards. We got record amount of participants - 330 experts from 29 countries - with fascinating array of topics from future of agriculture to new modeling tools. This publication, based on papers presented in the conference, is a token of the fascinating variety of approaches we can adopt while penetrating the future with the tools of our research. As such, it also represents in a splendid way the complexity of our world, embedded with grand challenges as well as fascinating new developments. Complexity science itself proves us that we need particularly two capacities to thrive in the ever more complex world: on the one hand we need to build more resilience into our systems, on the other, we should create new capacities to transform, if necessary. Both aspects are well represented in the articles of this publications.



3/2018: Futures Literacy Lab for Education. Imagining Complex Futures of Human Settlements at Finland Futures Academy Summer School 2017.

Nicolas A. Balcom Raleigh, Laura Pouru, Ellinoora Leino-Richert, Marjukka Parkkinen & Markku Wilenius

Futures Literacy Lab for Education. Imagining Complex Futures of Human Settlements at Finland Futures Academy Summer School 2017.

FFRC eBOOK 3/2018, Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku. 72 p. ISBN 978-952-249-502-0, ISSN 1797-1322.

This report presents an instance of Futures Literacy Laboratory (FLL) held for the Finland Futures Academy Summer School on the topic of “complex futures of human settlement in 2050” held in June 2017 at University of Turku. The Futures Literacy Laboratory approach was developed by Riel Miller and UNESCO through a series of instances held around the world starting in 2012. In essence, an FLL aims at increasing futures literacy by increasing awareness of anticipatory assumptions and ‘how the future is used’ in the present. This report describes the theoretical background, pedagogical design, practical implementation, and outcomes of this Summer 2017 FLL. It concludes with lessons learns and suggestions for future applications of FLL. 



4/2018: Kohteena kiertotalous. TRY OUT! -hankkeen tulevaisuusprosessin tulokset.

Juha Kaskinen & Marjukka Parkkinen

Kohteena kiertotalous. TRY OUT! -hankkeen tulevaisuusprosessin tulokset.

Tutu e-julkaisuja 4/2018, Tulevaisuuden tutkimuskeskus, Turun yliopisto.
34 s. ISBN 978-952-249-503-7, ISSN 1797-1322 

TRY OUT! on Euroopan aluekehitysrahaston rahoittama ja 6Aika-yhteistyöstrategian alla toteutettava hanke, jonka kumppaneina ovat Turun ammattikorkeakoulu, Turun yliopisto, Helsingin yliopisto, Uudenmaan liitto ja Demos Helsinki. Hankkeessa on rakennettu kokeilukulttuuriin ja yhteiskehittämiseen perustuvat innovaatioalustoja Helsinkiin ja Turkuun. Alustojen rakentamisessa kiinnitetään erityistä huomiota kehitetyn mallin levitettävyyteen ja hyödynnettävyyteen muissa 6Aika-kaupungeissa. Projektia rahoittaa Kestävää kasvua ja työtä 2014–2020, Suomen rakennerahasto-ohjelma. 

Hankeen osana Tulevaisuuden tutkimuskeskus toteutti tulevaisuusprosessin, jonka avulla etsittiin kiertotalouteen liittyviä tekijöitä, hahmoteltiin vaihtoehtoisia skenaarioita ja konstruoitiin tiekarttoja toivotun tulevaisuuden toteuttamiseksi. Niiden tehtävänä on auttaa innovaatioprosesseja ja muutenkin antaa aineksia kiertotalouskeskusteluun. 



5/2018: A Green Urban Future. Scaled-Up Perspectives in Urban Green for Human-Centered and Livable Urban Cores.

Ana Maria Jones & Markku Wilenius

A Green Urban Future. Scaled-Up Perspectives in Urban Green for Human-Centered and Livable Urban Cores.

FFRC eBOOK 5/2018, Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku. 62 p. ISBN 978-952-249-504-4 (print), ISBN 978-952-249-506-8 (pdf), ISSN 1797-1322.
This report has been prepared in the frame of the Green-In-TURKU Project; Towards a Greener Urban Future: Investigating Innovative Solutions to Increase Livability in the Inner City-Perspectives for the City of Turku to provide Turku’s city officials with a state-of-the-art update on global greening strategies across European cities and abroad. The report introduces fresh perspectives for how cities are promoting the value in green capital to find solutions to local challenges and it is the first of three reports scheduled for this project. A second report A Study of Green And Open Spaces in Turku has been prepared as part of an in-depth investigation of Turku’s urban structure including past and present developments in the green front, and it will be integrated into the project’s final report and spatial analysis with recommendations for increasing urban vibrancy and livability in the city center of Turku. 


6/2018: Access to Green. Enhancing Urban. Attractiveness in Urban Centers – the Case of Turku.

Jones, Ana Maria – Wilenius, Markku & Niskanen, Suvi:

Access to Green. Enhancing Urban. Attractiveness in Urban Centers – the Case of Turku.

FFRC eBooks 6/2018, Finland Futures Research Centre, University of Turku. 82 p. ISBN 978-952-249-517-4 (print), ISBN 978-952-249-516-7 (pdf), ISSN 1797-1322.

Our experience of life on Earth is shaped by our environment. As development continues to grow increasingly urban, access to green areas continue to become central to human health and to ensure quality of life. The integrated design of green areas in planning is a multi-dimensional and cross-disciplinary process that requires a combination of approaches namely, a network design approach, functionality, scalability, and sustainability management approach to help cities and communities deal with the unprecedented challenges of the century.

This study calls attention to the need for more quality, access and adequate distribution of green areas in urban cores. Focusing on the city center districts of the city of Turku, this report addresses the need for more development in the design and holistic planning of green areas as providers of human health and attractive urban life. The study emphasizes the critical need to carry out a more detailed inventory of green areas and current access requirements.



Uusi tiedekirja esittelee kumouksellisen vision uusiutuvan energian yhteiskunnasta.
Sirkka Heinonen ja Joni Karjalainen: Sähköistyminen vertaisyhteiskunnassa – uusi tarina Suomen tulevaisuudelle. Tutu-julkaisu 1/2018.