Tulevaisuudentutkimuksen väitöskirjat ja gradut
Djuricic, Ksenija (2022) Entrepreneurial foresight as entrepreneurs’ transformative power: Inducing contextual change through opportunity formation. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser. E, Tom. 94: Oeconomica, Turku 2022.
Ahvenharju, Sanna (2022) Futures Consciousness as a Human Anticipatory Capacity – Definition and Measurement. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser. E, Tom. 90: Oeconomica, Turku 2022.
Jokinen, Leena (2022) Ideation for future cruise ships. Collaborative interorganisational foresight in cruise ship concept ideation. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser. E, Tom. 86: Oeconomica, Turku 2022. URN:ISBN:978-951-29-8776-4.
Kurki, Sofi (2020) Foresight and Transformation: Observing Pioneers in Our Changing Societies. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser. E, Tom. 62: Oeconomica, Turku 2020. URN:ISBN:978-951-29-8127-4.
Mäkelä, Marileena (2020) The past, present and future of environmental reporting in the Finnish forest industry. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser. E, Tom. 58: Oeconomica, Turku 2020. urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-29-8087-1.
Minkkinen, Matti (2020) A Breathless Race for Breathing Space. Critical-analytical futures studies and the contested co-evolution of privacy imaginaries and institutions. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, Ser. E, Tom. 55: Oeconomica, Turku 2020. URN:ISBN:978-951-29-8042-0.
Lauttamäki, Ville (2017) Geoenergia kiinteistöjen lämmitysratkaisujen markkinoilla Suomessa energiakriisien ajoista 2030-luvulle. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja E, osa 29: Oeconomica. URN:ISBN:978-951-29-7234-0.
Laakso, Kimmo (2014) Management of major accidents – Communication challenges and solutions in the preparedness and response phases for both authorities and companies. Turku School of Economics, Series A-7:2014. 271 p. ISBN 978-952-249-356-9 (print), 978-952-249-357-6 (pdf), ISSN 0357-4652 (print), 1459-4870 (pdf).
Rahman, Shahriar Ashiqur
Navigating Future Management and Ownership of Health Data in 2050, Finland with a Special Focus to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Deggins, Vanessa
Louisiana and the Coronavirus Pandemic: A Case Study and Future Scenarios
Koivuniemi, Viivi
Measuring Strategic Foresight Impact in Global Firms
Seneviratne, Thilini Nathali
Futures Images of Good life for Urban Youth in Sri Lanka
Oertel, Charlotte Anna
Expressing the unprecedented: Creating images of the future for Turku using a feminist utopian approach
Suomalainen, Kaisa-Maria
Using foresight in times of uncertainty. Analysing interpretative structures in migration-related policy foresight
Kantonen, Eerika
Rethinking Transformative Education. Skills for a regenerative society
Belmas, Alisa
When Anticipation and Design Epistemology Converge: Insights from a Futures Literacy Lab
Ahmed, Saleh
The Future Impact of Climate Change on Human Rights in Bangladesh
Erfanian, Mohammadhadi
The Future of Knowledge Management in Businesses
Huhtaniemi, Oskari
How is Players’ Futures Consciousness Associated with Anticipation in Ice Hockey?
Ebrahimabadi, Samaneh
Exploring the Risks and Benefits of Using Artificial Intelligence in Corporate Foresight
Maree, Burgert
Fostering future teacher well-being. A participatory investigation in South Africa
Vien Truc-Mai, Jenny
Mirrors of Entrepreneurial Foresight: A Qualitative Study as Seen through the Lens of Female Entrepreneurs in ICT
Knutti, Maija
Expectations for Nanotechnology
Martikainen, Outi
Forest Futures. Images of the Futures of Finnish Forests in 2050 from the Perspective of Biodiversity
Niemitz, Johanna
News readers’ discussions in Finland on reduced working time
Nwoko, Ogadinma Benedict
Explicating the Strategic Options of Fiskars’ English & Crystal Living Business in the Future of Ethical Luxury
Seikkula, Tiina
Urban Seniors in Finland in the year 2035. Horizon scanning of inclusion and volunteering in the future
Grabtchak, Anna
Corporate Foresight Preparedness: Bridging organisational and individual perspectives on foresight
Ogollah, Vincent
Disaster Management in the Era of Blockchain Technologies. An Exploration with Future Scenarios
Ivanov, Krasimir
Futures of Civil Aviation Operations explored from the perspective of Finnair
Seppälä, Ludmila
Futures of Shipbuilding in the 22nd Century
Karayel, Tolga
Innovation Policy Roadmapping for the Future Finnish Smart City Digital Twins. Towards Finland National Digital Twin Programme
Huhtala, Pekka
Futures and sustainability transitions of Finnish district heating
Sciurca, Enrico
Scanning the impacts of cryptocurrencies on the future of the Finnish banking sector. Three scenarios
Zimmer, Anna
Nothing is certain but death – Scenarios of the mortality in Germany up to 2060
Keski-Pukkila, Pasi
Desires, dead ends and new horizons: At the source of young people’s vocational images of the future
Rashed, Soha Ahmed-Fahim
How are youth climate activists driving change to create their desired future?
Richards, Martyn
Learning through the Looking Glass : Anticipation through the Lens of Social and Transformative Learning at a Futures literacy Lab
Vuorela, Emilia
Improving firm’s strategic corporate foresight capabilities: Case Pemamek
Vähä-Piikkiö, Juuso
Views into urban housing and infrastructure in 2040
Heikkinen, Tomi
Interpretation of Futures Knowledge for Corporate Strategy Development.
Jenkins, Tarian
Integrating strategic foresight processes to improve regional planning. Four intuitive scenarios for Wales’ regional futures.
Villman, Tero
The preferred futures of a human-centric society. A case of developing a life-event-based visioning approach.
Reissmann, Mandla
Images of Futures: Education Systems and Multiculturalism for Third World Development. Case: eSwatini, UWC and National Education curricula.
Paju, Kristiina
Images of the future of Estonian education.
Sinkkilä, Linnea
Becoming a forerunner in foresight. Key elements of success in organizational foresight.
Tomas Martinez, Carmen
Using foresight in business ecosystems and innovation ecosystems.
Partti, Reeta
Voices from the future: pioneers as a signal of change.
Ikezumi, Yukie
Mobile Wireless Business World in the 6G Era. Future scenarios in the mobile wireless business in the time of 6G.
Shiori, Ota
Exploring Japan’s Society 5.0. Identifying key factors shaping the development of Society 5.0
Witoon, Siyada
Survive to thrive. How Finnish universities make use of futures knowledge in the 2021-2030 strategy
Silvonen, Essi
Urban circular transition. Case Study: City of Turku – the current systemic state and future development potential for 2030.
Nareiko, Aleksej
New Human Needs. A lesson from safe sci-fi futures.
Nguyen, Thi Ngoc Hoa
Linkage between mindfulness and the ability to detect weak signals.
Voutilainen, Jani
Future of Finland’s partnership with NATO. Creating normative scenarios with big data.
Eronen, Kirsi-Maria
Future places of business in Turku city center: adaptive cycle analysis and futures workshop.
Hurtado Hurtado, Joshua
The futures of social practices of interaction between humans and Virtual Deceased Individuals. A Causal Layered Analysis of four ideal types.
Karhapää, Jyri
Trend impact analysis in stock valuation: An application with a dividend discount model.
Vu, Le Phuc
The Futures of Social Media in B2C Marketing. From Business to Customers/Clients to Business to Community.
Nikula, Elina
Visions of the inclusive school. Preferred futures by special education teacher students.
Stucki, Max
Anticipating geopolitical change. Analyzing the geopolitical scenarios of George Friedman.
Pena, Carlos
The Future of Urban Areas: Urban Congestion and Related Innovation in the City of Los Angeles.
Rahunen, Maria-Emilia
Future images of employment in Japan. How Japanese youth perceives the future.
Taylor, Amos
Scenario Adaptation for Creative and Transformative Innovation.
Huttunen, Anna
Pitäisköhän sitä alakoo maijontuottajaks? Suomalaisen maidontuotannon tulevaisuuskuvia vuodelle 2020.
Hakala, Suvi
Transforming a company through vision and innovation: A forest company case study.
Heinäjärvi, Henna
Accentuate the positive: Hope as psychological capital in Futures Studies.
Nisula, Sakari
Foresightfulness and World Class Manufacturing in the 6th Kondratieff Wave – A case study of a forest industry company.
Kauppila, Liisa
Participatory Backcasting from Value Principles: Three Approaches to the Futures of Mobility in Finland up to 2025.
Lang, Merja
Pioneers as Meaning-Makers on the Pathway to Neo-Carbon Energy.
Parkkinen, Marjukka
Encountering Multiple Futures.
Siren, Saara-Sofia
Potential of circular economy to save the Baltic Sea. A Morphological Analysis.
Balcom Raleigh, Nicolas
Elevating Creativity and Criticality Through Game-Based Futuring: An action research case study in futures studies.
Kiviluoto, Katariina
The layered reality of sustainable transport campaigning.
Leino-Richert, Ellinoora
Backcasting energy efficiency futures of the European Union – Case studies of Finland and Germany.
Patrakka, Mikko
Views on strategic development for an NPO in Finland – Case: Digitalization of Eläkeliitto (Finnish pensioner’s foundation).
Ferreira-Aulu, Marianna
Is There A Future After The Belo Monte Dam? Building Futures Scenarios For The Volta Grande Do Xingu In Amazonia, Brazil.
Tuittila, Satu
Corporeality: A methodological study of supporting creativity in futures workshops.
Puikkonen, Jenna
I get old, therefore I am? Multilevel, value-driven perspective on the future of informal care and home care of the elderly in Finland.
Zavialova, Sofia
Global driving forces shaping the future of the Finnish cadastral system by 2035: a Delphi study.
Tardy, Emmi
The Use of Strategic Foresight in Middle Management – A Case Study in the Financial Sector.
Kaboli, Akhgar
The multicultural images of the future of young adults.
Hlavaty, Isa
Scanning the future of Single Euro Payment Area – towards cashless payment methods.
Schimmelpfennig, Daniel
The Future of Money: Deontological and Ontological Designing.
Uimonen, Antti
Investigating the Futures – Recognising Crearting Shared Value practices in company integration for creating advantage in future – case Oras Group.
Lepistö, Vesa
Things from the future – How can we crowdsource innovation foresight with games?
Viima, Taina
Problems in using foresight methods in consultancy projects: A case study conducted in a Finnish consulting company.
Mackiewicz, Karolina
How to overcome barriers for innovations in organizations from the public sector – Local governments for the future.
Kääriäinen, Galina
Futures of Health tourism between the Northwest Russia and Finland 2030.
Shabanova-Danielyan, Elizaveta
Futures of citizens' political participation in Russia: scenarios for years 2014–2025.
Sreeganthan, Priya
Sustainable Development – the Key to Competitiveness CSR as an added value to Alstom's corporate performance.
Jentl, Nina
Mind the (Gender) Gap? Futures images for girls and mathematics in Austria 2030.
Qi, Yuan
Disruptive factors affecting the e-commerce industry in China up to 2030.
Tapiola, Titta
Futures of Finnish Food System by 2050. The perspective of resilience.
Gordillo Kontio, Ulla
The Mexican Dream, What Drives the Mexican Millennial to Invest?
Dyadenko, Anna
The Future of sport apparel design in Germany in 2030. Four Images of the Future.
Mäki-Teeri, Marianna
Future of Entrepreneurship in Finland. Perspective on the Entrepreneurship Education.
Bruckner, Rebecca
Gender Theory as a Basis for Gender-Related Futures Research.
Kwazema, Martins
Exploring 3D printing. Reflections on Four Futures of an Emerging Technology.
Falona, Oluwarotimi
A systemic literature review of the backcasting method in futures studies.
Moqaddamerad, Sara
Corporate Foreight: A contribution to innovation management.
Sasunkevich, Maryna
The future of branded sportswear store formats in Germany 2030: Four images of the future.
Mehr, Mohammad
Future at risk: A study on the Club of Rome.