Maria Elo isännöi UIB-Finland Tieteen ja Tutkimuksen viikkoa Kazakhstanissa


UIB_Maria.JPGUIB-Finland Science & Research Week is a collection of scientific and research activities in the field of economics, business and management studies aimed at promoting academic research. The week was co-organized by the University of International Business, University of Turku, Lappeenranta University of Technology and University of Oulu. By bringing in distinguished and well-known international scholars from the organizing universities to Kazakhstan this week aimed at promoting scientific research among young academics and improving the research competences of Kazakhstani universities in general. During the week, PhD students were able to participate in courses, research seminars, brainstorming and experience-sharing meetings, paper development workshops and a cocktail networking event.

The week was financially sponsored by the Research Council of UIB and Jean Monnet Activities within the European Union Erasmus+ programme. Thus, free and open access was offered to participants from all universities in Kazakhstan. The purpose of this collaboration was to start developing a co-operation platform akin to the Finnish KATAJA network. The faculty enjoyed the week greatly and answered many interesting questions regarding PhD studies, research and publication processes in Finland an internationally. We hope that in the future this collaboration will increase the number of incoming PhD exchange students from Kazakhstan.


Luotu 27.10.2017 | Muokattu 30.10.2017