Presence - "Being there" in Fictional Worlds


May 29th, 2015 University of Turku (Finland) International Conference Supported by the Academy of Finland and the University of Turku


The notion that literary works can draw their readers into storyworlds, giving them a sense of "being there" with the characters and experiencing the plights and pleasures that authors craft, has risen to new importance in recent years. The phenomenologically informed study of texts from antiquity to the present day (see Grethlein; Gumbrecht; Felski) has highlighted - once more - the importance of the experiential aspect of the literary work of art. Also narratology concerns itself with experience of human and animal characters and narrators, drawing on psychology, the neurosciences and philosophical debates (see Fludernik; Herman; Caracciolo and Kukkonen eds.; Kuzmičova). No longer dismissed as mere escapism, the capacity of a literary work of art to gain "presence" has turned into a new subject of inquiry.

Conference Programme

9.15-9.30 Welcome (Minerva E221)
9.30-11.00 Keynote
Satire and Embodiment: Allegorical Romance on Page and Stage in Mid-Eighteenth Century Britain
Ros Ballaster (University of Oxford)
11.00-11.30 Coffee Break
Panel I (E221)      Chair: Merja Polvinen

Toponyms as Prompts for Presencing Place – Making Oneself at Home in the Narrated City
Lieven Ameel and Terhi Ainiala (University of Helsinki)
Henry James and Margaret Harkness in the Story-World of 1880s London
Jason Finch (Åbo Akademi)
Presence of the Past: Remembering the Prose of Raija Siekkinen
Jarkko Oraharju (University of Turku)
Panel II (E223)       Chair: Hanna Meretoja

From Werther to Luntialla: The Epistolatory Novel and the Experience of Presence
Ana Margarida Abrantes (Catholic University of Portugal) 
What Isn’t Hermeneutics: Four Ways of Looking at Presence
Mike Frank (Bentley University) and Shana Attar (Harvard University)
Puzzle as a Presence Element: On the Transmediality of Solving
Matti Karhulahti (University of Turku)

13.00-14.00 Lunch Break

14.00-15.00 "Burnt into Memory: The Story of the Brownfield Fire"
  Storytelling Session with Jo Radner (Minerva E221)


Panel III (E221)       Chair: Aino Mäkikalli

Pamela, Clarissa and the Reinvention of Suspense
Riccardo Capoferro (Rome, ‘La Sapienza’)
Narrative Immediacy: It’s Range and Change
Göran Rossholm (University of Stockholm)

Panel IV (E223)       Chair: Anu Salmela

Stories in the Mind
Susan Lovell (Griffith University)
Presence and Anonymity in Alexander Pope's The Dunciad
Adam Borch (Åbo Akademi)


16.00-16.30 Tea Break

16.30-18.00 Keynote
 Fictions of Presence:  The “Rising” Novel and the Willful Suspension of Disbelief
  Susan Lanser (Brandeis University)

Luotu 05.12.2014 | Muokattu 28.07.2021