Tutkimus matematiikan ja tilastotieteen laitoksella

Matematiikan ja tilastotieteen laitoksen tärkeimpiä tutkimusaloja ovat diskreetti matematiikka, teoreettinen tietojenkäsittelytiede, lukuteoria, analyysi, optimointi, matemaattinen mallintaminen, vakuutusmatematiikka ja tilastotieteessä latenttien muuttujien mallit, kohortti- ja vaikuttavuustutkimusten menetelmät sekä makro- ja rahoitusekonometrian teemat.

Tutkimuksen painopisteet matematiikan ja tilastotieteen laitoksella

Funktioavaruudet ja osittaisdifferentiaaliyhtälöt

This research group started its work during the fall of 2002. Our initial aim was to study non-linear potential theory in variable exponent Sobolev spaces. Since this was uncharted territory with several interesting applications. We have expanded our research to generalised Orlicz spaces, minimizers and partial differential equations with non-standart growth conditions, and to image restoration.

Group leader: Peter Hästö (Professor)

Group members: Petteri Harjulehto (University Lecturer), Debangana Baruah (PhD student)

Link to the research group's home page.


The group studies combinatorial and algebraic coding theory as well as graph theory. In particular, the main topics include identifying codes, information retrieval and space-time codes.

Group leader: Tero Laihonen (Professor)

Group members: Pavan Padavu Devaraj (Postdoctoral Researcher), Anni Hakanen (Postdoctoral Reseacher), Iiro Honkala (Professor), Ville Junnila (University Lecturer), Jyrki Lahtonen (University Lecturer), Havu Miikonen (PhD student), Tuomo Lehtilä (Postdoctoral Researcher)

Laskettavuus ja dynamiikka

The group studies theoretical aspects of computing and discrete dynamical systems. Focus areas are combinatorics on words, automata theory and symbolic dynamics. The research involves combinatorial and algebraic topics in these areas as well as decidability problems and other algorithmic questions.

Group leader: Jarkko Kari (Professor)

Group members: Vesa Halava (Professor), Tero Harju (Professor), Mika Hirvensalo (University Lecturer), Juha Honkala (University Researcher), Joonatan Jalonen (PhD student), Juhani Karhumäki (Professor Emeritus), Johan Kopra (PhD student), Jarkko Peltomäki (Postdoctoral Researcher), Aleksi Saarela (Postdoctoral Researcher), Esa Sahla (PhD student), Ville Salo (Postdoctoral Researcher), Arto Salomaa (Academician, Professor Emeritus), Michal Szabados (PhD student), Ilkka Törmä (Postdoctoral Researcher), Markus Whiteland (PhD student)


Salomaa Prize

The Developments in Language Theory (DLT) Symposium has decided to create a prize to be awarded during the DLT conference. The SALOMAA PRIZE is named to honour the scientific achievements and influence of Academician Arto Salomaa, a founder of the DLT symposium. The prize consists of a diploma and 2.000 euros, funded by the University of Turku, Finland, the home university of Arto Salomaa.

The award is given to a distinguished researcher on his/her fundamental achievements on automata theory and related topics. The achievement might be a single article, a series of articles, or a broader impact on the theory. The criteria is the scientific excellence. Any researcher on automata theory is eligible to the prize.

The first prize was awarded during DLT 2018 in Tokyo, Japan.

Please find more information about the Salomaa Prize from this page: Salomaa Prize.


The number theoretic research at the University of Turku was initiated by late professor Kustaa Inkeri (1908-1997). Nowadays the research concentrates mostly on analytic number theory, and topics studied by the research group include prime numbers, multiplicative functions and connections to additive combinatorics.

Group leader: Kaisa Matomäki (Academy Research Fellow)

Group members: Mikko Jaskari (PhD student), Olli Järviniemi (PhD student), Kamalakshya Mahatab (Postdoc), Juho Salmensuu (PhD student), Yu-Chen Sun (PhD student), Joni Teräväinen (Postdoc)


Turku Optimization Group is developing theory, methods and practical applications on the following areas of optimization:

  • nonsmooth optimization
  • multiobjective optimization
  • mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP)
  • combinatorial optimization
  • global optimization
  • robust optimization and sensitivity analysis
  • parameterization and regularization techniques
  • scheduling, time-tabling, resource allocation, assignment

Group leader: Marko Mäkelä (Professor)

Group members: Napsu Karmitsa (Academy Fellow), Yury Nikulin (University Lecturer), Stefan Emet (University Teacher), Ville-Pekka Eronen (PhD student), Kaisa Joki (PhD student), Outi Montonen (PhD student), Alaleh Maskooki (PhD student), Bishwesvar Pratap Singh (PhD student), Pauliina Mäkinen (PhD student)

Kompleksisten systeemien tutkimusryhmä

The main research subject of the group is agent based complex systems, stochastic modelling, automata networks and machine learning. The group is also doing applied work on modelling social, cognitive and biological systems. Complex Systems Research Group (CSRG) was established in 2016 as Turku Complex Systems Institute (TCSI).​

Group contact: Joona Kurikka (Researcher)

Group members: Mark Goldsmith (Lead researcher), Jussi Westergren (Principal investigator), Philip Roy (Researcher), Peter Tapio (Researcher), Andreas Holmström (Researcher), Guillermo García-Pérez (Emmy fellow), Harto Saarinen (PhD student), Toni Hotanen (PhD student), Anna Pursiheimo (PhD student)

Aikasarja-analyysi ja ekonometria

Due to its multidisciplinary nature between statistics and economics, research on time series analysis and econometrics in the University of Turku is carried out jointly at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics (The Center of Statistics) and Turku School of Economics (especially Department of Economics and Department of Accounting and Finance).

The research topics contain new nonlinear econometric methods applied mainly in the analysis of financial and macroeconomic time series. Equally important to the development of new econometric techniques are the empirical applications to macroeconomics and finance, shedding light on the behavior of macroeconomy and financial markets. More specifically, the ongoing research include new estimation and forecasting methods for limited dependent time series, such as binary and non-negative variables, and multivariate methods needed, for example, in structural economic policy analysis and forecasting business cycle fluctuations and financial crises.

Group leader: ​Henri Nyberg (University lecturer, statistics, and Adjunct Professor, econometrics)

Link to the research group's home page: https://sites.google.com/site/nyberghenri/

Laskennallinen biologia ja biolääketiede

Computational Biosciences is a collective of research groups associated with Department of Mathematics and Statistics. We work on theory, methods, and applications of quantitative research in biosciences.

Group leader: Leo Lahti (Docent)

Group members: Tero Aittokallio (Professor), Ville Laitinen (PhD student), Teemu Daniel Laajala (PhD student)

Uusimmat julkaisut

Higher-degree Artin conjecture (2024)

Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
Järviniemi Olli
(A1 Vertaisarvioitu alkuperäisartikkeli tieteellisessä lehdessä )