Professori Kari Lukalle 2022 Anthony G. Hopwood Award for Academic Leadership -palkinto


The European Accounting Association (EAA) on myöntänyt professori Kari Lukalle sekä professori David Cooperille (University of Alberta and Edinburgh University) 2022 Anthony G. Hopwood Award -palkinnon. Palkinto myönnetään tunnustukseksi poikkeuksellisista tieteellisistä tutkimusnäytöistä laskentatoimen saralla, akateemisesta johtajuudesta sekä panoksesta EAA:n hyväksi.

Kari Lukka toimii johdon laskentatoimen professorina laskentatoimen ja rahoituksen laitoksella. Hän on kansainvälisesti erittäin arvostettu ja viitattu tutkija. Karin julkaisut kattavat laajasti johdon laskentatoimen, laskentatoimen teorian sekä metodologioiden aiheita

EAA kuvailee professori Lukkaa seuraavasti:

“Kari has made many contributions to the EAA by his leadership and service for about 40 years. His leadership has taken the form of manifold contributions, including serving as the Editor of the European Accounting Review (2000-2005) and his initiating and managing of the EIASM Conference on “New Directions in Management Accounting: Innovations in Practice and Research” for 20 years. He was also the initiating and founding faculty member of the EDEN doctoral seminar “Case-based research in management accounting” (2003-2015). In addition, he was also a member of the (founding) Management Committee of the EAA (for two three year-periods from 2005) and Chair of the Publications Committee of the EAA from 2006-2010. Kari has produced a significant body of scholarly work in high-quality journals and monographs, and is serving at the editorial boards of Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Accounting and Business Research, British Accounting Review, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Management Accounting Research and Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management. Kari’s leadership, service and scholarship have always been in the tradition of Anthony Hopwood: To expand the theoretical and empirical foundations and frontiers of accounting to provide broader and deeper understanding of the role of accounting in society. Kari’s research has made significant contributions to describing, explaining and understanding management accounting.”

Luotu 23.02.2022 | Muokattu 28.02.2022