Turku Bioscience Centre

Turku Bioscience Centre is an advanced core facility and research centre hosted jointly by University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University.

The Centre was established in 1992 to facilitate research infrastructure services and scientific interactions across departments and within the two universities. We offer services to both academic and commercially-oriented research projects.

Today, we have three major functions:

  • to offer technology and research services
  • to provide advanced training and education in technologies that relate to our core facilities
  • to host leading basic research that relates to our key technology and infrastructure areas

Our aim is to provide complete packages of service expertise and know-how to provide both academic and corporate research groups the tools and means to shorten the runway from an initial discovery to the take-off of a success story. To this end, we aim to stay at the frontiers of new technologies and research and we are also actively facilitating interactions and joint projects between academia and industry.

We are always open to new ideas and are excited to discuss research projects or new technologies that you think would be important for the community. You are very much welcome to contact or visit the Centre if you have a research problem or if you want to access specific technologies or infrastructure services. Stay tuned and stay in touch! We have the means to help you in your research and together we may be able to take your ideas to completely new horizons.

Visit our website for more information

Turku Bioscience grants

Travel grant (continuous open call)

Turku Bioscience – Continuous open call:  Travel grant applications for trips made during 2024


We award travel grants from 20 euros up to 25 000 euros for researcher’s conference, congress, study, course or archive trips (or other acquisition of research material). The purpose is to support the research work in our center. The grant can be used to cover the travel, accommodation, entry fees or other reasonable travel expenses.

The grant cannot be awarded for those who are employed by the university and it is not intended to cover for example daily allowance.

Please describe the following matters in your application:

  • Destination and reason for the journey
  • An estimate of the total cost of the journey, with details
  • A brief description of how the trip relates to doctoral research, postgraduate studies or other research carried out in the center
  • The approval of the group leader/project manager

Funding for a conference trip requires a presentation or a poster.

An abstract, an acceptance letter or a research plan shall be attached to the grant application - depending on the type of trip you are applying for.

In some cases, the travel grant awarded covers only part of the actual costs and the researcher is obliged to independently find the rest of the funding elsewhere.

The recipient of the travel grant is responsible for arranging their own travel insurance.

Please send your application at the latest one month before the trip. Travel grants are awarded in advance.  Grants cannot be awarded retrospectively.

After the trip, please send a travel report (receipts are no longer required).

Kindly send your application by e-mail to following persons:

Please mark as a subject of your message:

Your surname / Turku Bioscience / Application for a travel grant

Please also remember to mark your address and telephone number in your application.

Grants for scientific research (continuous open call)


Year 2024 – Turku Bioscience grants for scientific research and study grants (continuous open call)

Scientific grants can be applied and awarded only in advance, before the actual research begins.

Application deadlines:

Grant period starting in February > submit your application by 07 January

Grant period starting in March > submit your application by 07 February

Grant period starting in April > submit your application by 07 March

Grant period starting in May > submit your application by 07 April

Grant period starting in June > submit your application by 07 May

Grant period starting in July > submit your application by 07 June

Grant period starting in August > submit your application by 20 June
Grant period starting in September > submit your application by 07 August

Grant period starting in October > submit your application by 07 September

Grant period starting in November > submit your application by 07 October

Grant period starting in December > submit your application by 07 November

The amount of the grant can vary from 100 euros up to 25 000 euros/month, and the length can be from one month to two years. The grant cannot be awarded for those who are employed by the university and it is not intended to cover for example daily allowance. In some cases, the grant awarded covers only part of the actual costs and the researcher is obliged to independently find the rest of the funding elsewhere.

The supported research topic needs to belong to some area of Turku Bioscience research fields, for example related to our recent research innovations. 

Each applicant needs to have a suitable education and all the necessary knowledge and skills required for condacting the research.

How to apply

  1. Please send your application by e-mail
  2. In the subject field, kindly write: Your surnameTurku Bioscience / Grant application
  3. Send your application to the following recipients:
    • The group leader who will guide you in your research
    • Administrative officer for HR:  katja.kauttu@utu.fi

Please provide the following information in your e-mail message:

  • Your name and telephone number
  • Research group
  • The time period
  • Total sum applied for
  • Research topic (max 80 characters)
  • Brief description of the research topic and short justification why this research should be supported

Please attach your CV to the email.

When applying for a grant, please make sure to find out about your insurance matters, as grant researchers are not in an employment relationship with the University.